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  • Please enter a measured weight.
  • '; // } else { // confirmWeight = ''; // } if (confirmPhoto == true) { confirmPhoto = '
  • Only .jpg photos are allowed.
  • '; } else { confirmPhoto = ''; } if (confirmRec == true) { confirmRec = '
  • Please choose a recommendation.
  • '; } else { confirmRec = ''; } if (confirmEmail == true) { confirmEmail = '
  • Please enter your email address.
  • '; } else if (confirmEmailRegex == true) { confirmEmail = '
  • Please enter a valid email address.
  • '; } else { confirmEmail = ''; } // $('.uservalues, #addreview').before('
    Please fix the following errors:
    '); $('.uservalues, #addreview').before('
    Please fix the following errors:
    '); return false; } else { if($('input#submit_property-photo').val() !== '') { $(this).after('
    Waiting for the photo to upload... This could take some time if you’re uploading a large image.
    ').hide(); } } }); // Mobile Menu var menuState = false; $(document).on('touchstart click', '.mainmenu .menubutton', function(e) { if ($('body').is('.mobile-view')) { if (menuState === false) { e.preventDefault(); $('.site-wrapper').transition({ x: '-80%' }, 500, 'easeOutSine', function() { menuState = true; }); } } }); $(document).on('touchstart click', '.site-wrapper', function(e) { if ($('body').is('.mobile-view')) { if (menuState === true) { e.preventDefault(); $('.site-wrapper').transition({ x: '0' }, 500, 'easeOutSine', function() { menuState = false; }); } } }); // Measurement Photo Modals if (!isMobile) { $('.measurement-photo').on('click', function(e) { e.preventDefault(); var imageURL = $(this).attr('href'); $('body').append(''); $('.modalimage').attr('src', imageURL).load(function() { $(window).createModal(); }); }); } // Search for Weights $(document).on('change', '.findcategory select, .findpart select, .findmanufacturer select, .findmodel select, .findyear select, .submitcategory select, .submitpart select, .submitmanufacturer select, .submitmodel select, .submityear select, .submitproperties select, #create_model_values select', function() { var itemSelected = $(this).attr('id'); // console.log(itemSelected); if (itemSelected === 'search_category') { $('#search_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } if (itemSelected === 'submit_category') { $('#submit_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } if (itemSelected === 'add_category') { $('#add_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); } $(this).parent('li').nextAll('li').find('select option:first-child').attr('selected', 'selected'); if ($(this).parents('form').is('#findweight')) { var formData = $('#findweight').find('input[name=sel_context], input[name=selection], select').serialize(); var context = 'search'; } else if ($(this).parents('form').is('#submitweight')) { var formData = $('#submitweight').find('input[name=sel_context], input[name=selection], select').serialize(); var context = 'submit'; } else if ($(this).parents('form').is('#create_model_values')) { var formData = $('#create_model_values').serialize(); var context = 'add'; } // console.log(formData); //if (context === 'search') { window.location.href= '#?'+formData; $('input[name="query_string"]').attr('value', formData); //} $.ajax({ type: 'GET', url: 'handle-search_categories.php', data: formData, dataType: 'json' }).success(function(result) { // console.log('success'); if (itemSelected === context + '_category') { //console.log(context + '_category'); // console.log(result); // Behavior for default selections $('.submitproperties li, .addproperties li').remove(); selectedval = $('#' + context + '_category').find(':selected[value]').val(); if (selectedval === '' || selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('#' + context + '_part').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('#' + context + '_manufacturer').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('#' + context + '_model').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } else { $('#' + context + '_part').removeAttr('disabled').html(result).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); // $('#search_part').parent('div').removeClass('disabled'); $('#' + context + '_manufacturer').attr('disabled', 'disabled').children('option:first-child').attr('selected', 'selected').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('#' + context + '_model').attr('disabled', 'disabled').children('option:first-child').attr('selected', 'selected').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); resetUserValues(); } } else if (itemSelected === context + '_part') { // console.log(context + '_part'); // console.log(result.result1); // Behavior for default selections selectedval = $('#' + context + '_part').find(':selected[value]').val(); $('.submitproperties li, .addproperties li').remove(); if (selectedval === '' || selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('#' + context + '_manufacturer').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } else { $('#' + context + '_manufacturer').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result1).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (context === 'search') { $('#' + context + '_year').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result2).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } else if (context === 'submit') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } else if (context === 'add') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } resetUserValues(); } // $('#search_manufacturer').parent('div').removeClass('disabled'); $('#' + context + '_model').attr('disabled', 'disabled').children('option:first-child').attr('selected', 'selected').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); //console.log('availableyears'); // console.log(result.result2); // $('#search_year').parent('div').removeClass('disabled'); } else if (itemSelected === context + '_manufacturer') { // console.log('search_manufacturer'); // console.log(result.result1); // Behavior for default selections $('.submitproperties li, .addproperties li').remove(); selectedval = $('#' + context + '_manufacturer').find(':selected[value]').val(); if (selectedval === '' || selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('#' + context + '_model').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (context === 'search') { $('#' + context + '_year').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result2).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } else if (context === 'submit') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } else if (context === 'add') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } } else { $('#' + context + '_model').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result1).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (context === 'search') { $('#' + context + '_year').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result2).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } else if (context === 'submit') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } else if (context === 'add') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); } resetUserValues(); } //$('#' + context + '_model').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result1); // $('#search_model').parent('div').removeClass('disabled'); // console.log('availableyears'); // console.log(result.result2); // $('#search_year').parent('div').removeClass('disabled'); } else if (itemSelected === context + '_model') { // console.log('search_model'); // console.log(result); // Behavior for default selections $('.submitproperties li, .addproperties li').remove(); selectedval = $('#' + context + '_model').find(':selected[value]').val(); if (selectedval === '' || selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('#' + context + '_year').removeAttr('disabled').html(result.result2).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (context === 'submit') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } else if (context === 'add') { $('#' + context + '_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } } else if (itemSelected === 'add_model') { $('.submitproperties, .addproperties').html(result); $('.submitproperties select').chosen().trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); resetUserValues(); } else { $('#' + context + '_year').removeAttr('disabled').html(result).trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); resetUserValues(); } // $('#search_year').parent('div').removeClass('disabled'); } else if (itemSelected === 'submit_year') { selectedval = $('#' + context + '_year').find(':selected[value]').val(); if (selectedval === '') { $('.submitproperties li, .addproperties li').remove(); $('input[name="sel_model_post"]').attr('value',''); $('input[name="data_not_listed"]').attr('value', ''); resetUserValues(); } else if (selectedval === 'Not Listed') { $('.submitproperties, .addproperties').html(result.result1); $('.submitproperties select').chosen().trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('input[name="sel_model_post"]').attr('value', result.result2); $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('input[name="data_not_listed"]').attr('value', 'true'); if (result.result3 == 'showuservalues') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } else if (result.result4 == 'noproperties') { $('.submitproperties, .addproperties').html(result.result1); $('.submitproperties select').chosen().trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('input[name="sel_model_post"]').attr('value', result.result2); if (result.result3 == 'showuservalues') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } } else { $('.submitproperties, .addproperties').html(result.result1); $('.submitproperties select').chosen().trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); resetUserValues(); } } else if (itemSelected.indexOf('submit_property') != -1) { selectedval = $('#' + itemSelected).find(':selected[value]').val(); if (selectedval === '') { $('#' + itemSelected).parent('li').nextAll('li').children('select').attr('disabled', 'disabled').trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); resetUserValues(); $('input[name="sel_model_post"]').attr('value',''); $('input[name="data_not_listed"]').attr('value', ''); } else { $('.submitproperties li, .addproperties li').remove(); //$('.uservalues').hide(); $('.submitproperties, .addproperties').html(result.result1); $('.submitproperties select').chosen().trigger('chosen:updated').trigger('chosen:resize'); $('input[name="sel_model_post"]').attr('value', result.result2); //$('.uservalues').html(result.result3); if (result.result3 == 'showuservalues') { $('.uservalues').css({"left": "auto", "position": "static"}); $('#submitbutton').removeClass('disabled').removeAttr('disabled'); } else { resetUserValues(); } if (result.result5 == 'shownotice') { $('.uservalues .notice').show(); $('input[name="data_not_listed"]').attr('value', 'true'); } else { $('.uservalues .notice').hide(); } } } }).fail(function() { $('.jsmessage').html('Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.'); }); return false; }); // Create Single Item Form $(document).on('submit', '.single', function() { var tableName = $(this).find('.thetable').attr('value'); var fieldName = $(this).find('.thedata').attr('name'); var fieldValue = $(this).find('.thedata').val(); if($(this).find('.thedata').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please enter a ' + fieldName + ' value for the ' + tableName + ' table.

    '); return false; } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'handle-create_single.php', data: '&table=' + tableName + '&field=' + fieldName + '&' + fieldName + '='+ fieldValue, dataType: 'text' }).success(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    ' + fieldValue + ' was successfully created.

    '); }).fail(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

    '); }); return false; }); // Create Part Form $('#create_part').submit(function() { if($('#part_name').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please enter a part name.

    '); return false; } else if($('#part_category').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please choose a category.

    '); return false; } else { var formData = $(this).serialize(); } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'handle-create_part.php', data: formData, dataType: 'text' }).success(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    The part ' + $('#part_name').val() + ' was successfully created.

    '); }).fail(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

    '); }); return false; }); // Create Model Form $('#create_model').submit(function() { if($('#model_name').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please enter a model name.

    '); return false; } else if($('#model_manufacturer').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please choose a manufacturer.

    '); return false; } else if($('#model_part').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please choose a part.

    '); return false; } else { var formData = $(this).serialize(); } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'handle-create_model.php', data: formData, dataType: 'text' }).success(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    The model ' + $('#model_name').val() + ' was successfully created.

    '); }).fail(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

    '); }); return false; }); // Create Part Properties Dropdown $(document).on('change', '#pp_lu_part', function() { //var itemSelected = $(this).val(); //alert(itemSelected); var formData = $('#create_part_properties').serialize(); // if (itemSelected === 'search_category') { // $('#search_year').attr('disabled', 'disabled'); // } //console.log(formData); $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'handle-create_part_properties.php', data: formData, dataType: 'json' }).success(function(result) { //console.log(result); $('.propertylist').html(result); }).fail(function() { // console.log('Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.'); $('.jsmessage').html('Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.'); }); }); // Create Part Properties Checkboxes $('#create_part_properties').submit(function() { if($('#pp_lu_part').val() === '') { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please choose a part.

    '); return false; } else if($('input:checkbox:checked').length = 0) { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please choose one or more properties.

    '); return false; } else { var formData = $(this).serialize() + '&submit=Create Part Properties'; // console.log(formData); } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'handle-create_part_properties.php', data: formData, dataType: 'text' }).success(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    The properties for ' + $('#pp_lu_part option:selected').text() + ' were successfully created.

    '); }).fail(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

    '); }); return false; }); // Create Model Values $('#create_model_values').submit(function() { if(($('#add_category').val() === '') || ($('#add_part').val() === '') || ($('#add_manufacturer').val() === '') || ($('#add_model').val() === '')) { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Please select from all the drop downs.

    '); return false; } else { var formData = $(this).serialize(); } $.ajax({ type: 'POST', url: 'handle-create_value.php', data: formData, dataType: 'text' }).success(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    The values for ' + $('#add_model option:selected').text() + ' were successfully created.

    '); }).fail(function() { $('.jsmessage').remove(); $('#adminarea .content').prepend('

    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

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    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

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    Please be as descriptive as possible.

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    Please be as descriptive as possible.

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    Please be as descriptive as possible.

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    Please be as descriptive as possible.

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    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

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    Oops! Looks like we ran into a problem.

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